The emerging popularity of Pokemon Go has led it to the PVP platform, and now gamers from all over the world are reaping fun through it. Following this, Niantic has unleashed a new Halloween event in the game known as Halloween Cup. Although a similar event has also arrived in the default video game, however, the PVP version contains special limits compared to the CP limit. More importantly, only a few particular types of Pokemon are granted to partake in this event. Thus, in this article, we will brief the gamers about the Pokemon types that are allowed to take part in Halloween Cup 2020 in Pokemon Go alongside the best lineup to choose to mark victory in it. It is highly advisable to be attentive while reading this article to avoid a mistake.

Best Pokemon Lineup for Halloween Cup 2020 in Pokemon Go
Gamers first need to know that only five types of Pokemon can be used in the Halloween Cup. Here is the list of Pokemon types that gamers are allowed to use in Halloween Cup 2020. Here:
Ghost-type Pokemon.
Fairy-type Pokemon.
Poison-type Pokemon.
Bug-type Pokemon.
Rock-type Pokemon.
Moreover, there is a 1500 CP inflation for each of the Pokemon that will be used in this event. Thanks to Niantic, who has increased the CP limit, now gamers can use Legendary Pokemon that possess potent skills in Halloween Cup 2020. The best five Pokemon that gamers should use in PVP Halloween Cup are:
Wigglytuff: It is a Fairy-normal type Pokemon, and the gamers must use its Charm, Ice Beam, or Play Rough moves. Wigglytuff is feeble against Steel and Poison-type Pokemon.
Qwilfish: It is a Poison-water type Pokemon known for its Aqua Tail and water Gun move. Qwilfish is feeble against Psychic, Ground, and Electric-type Pokemon.
Crustle: It is a Rock-bug type Pokemon, and the gamers must use its SmackDown, Fury Cutter, or Rock Slide moves. Crustle is feeble against Steel, Rock, and Water-type Pokemon.
Azumarill: It is a Fairy-water type Pokemon known for its Bubble, Hydro Pump, and Play Rough moves. Azumarill is feeble against Poison, Grass, and Electric-type Pokemon.
Alolan Marowak: It is a Ghost-fire type Pokemon, and the gamers must use its Hex. Fire Spin and Shadow Ball move. Alolan Marowak is feeble against Dark, Ghost, Ground, and Rock-type Pokemon.
This article contains information on Pokemon Go’s new event known as Halloween Cup. In this article, we will brief the gamers about the Best Pokemon lineup that they can use in Halloween Cup 2020. We hope that all the gamers who have visited this article will undoubtedly accomplish their purpose and will find worth reading it. Gamers can play Pokemon Go on their iOS and Android devices.
Mia Watson is an avid technical blogger, a magazine contributor, a publisher of guides at Blogs Book, and a professional cyber security analyst. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world. Visit My Site,
Source: Best Halloween Cup