The Suicide Squad is an upcoming superhero film directed by James Gunn. It is a sequel to the film Suicide Squad, which is a famous superhero film of Hollywood, and was written and directed by David Ayer. It is based on the DC comics. It was released in the year 2016 and became a very popular superhero film with some new and unique concepts. The story of the film tells us about Amanda Waller, who leads a secret government agency and involves some already imprisoned supervillains in a mission to save the world, and in exchange, she offers the reduced period for their imprisonment.
The upcoming film, The Suicide Squad, features four cast members from the original Suicide Squad directed and written by David Ayer. Now, the question arises – Is The Suicide Squad a sequel, remake, reboot, or a standalone story?
In the year 2019, the producer Peter Safran of the film, The Suicide Squad, confirmed the film as a “total reboot”, which is the reason behind giving the name The Suicide Squad instead of Suicide Squad 2. However, we cannot consider this film as a total reboot because of the four returning members from the original Suicide Squad. Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, and Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, all have been confirmed as the four returned characters from the original Suicide Squad. According to the trailer of The Suicide Squad, Amanda Waller can be seen saying – “You know the deal”, which means that the people are already aware of the deal that has been depicted in the original Suicide Squad.
Even though the original Suicide Squad was a great success at the box office, but still, it left many fans disappointed. The Franchise of this film has great potential, and it could be proved by considering the storyline of the film where a group of supervillains is forced to work together on a black operations team. When the distributor of the original Suicide Squad, Warner Bros. came to know that the famous director of the most popular and successful Guardians of the Galaxy movies, James Gunn is available, Warner Bros. grabbed this opportunity and signed Gunn for upcoming The Suicide Squad.
The director James Gunn is convinced with the fact that The Suicide Squad is a standalone story instead of a remake because the film is not only involving the returned four characters from the original Suicide Squad movie but also involving thirteen more characters in this upcoming film with a new and unique concept.
In the last adventure of Harley Quinn, Birds of Prey, the relationship between The Suicide Squad and the original Suicide Squad of David Ayer has depicted expertly. In Birds of Prey, when Harley saw a wanted poster of Captain Boomerang and said – “Hey, I know that guy!” – it clearly indicated that The Suicide Squad would be a standalone story beginning with the break-up of Harley and Joker.
After considering all the connections and valid points regarding the raised question that if The Suicide Squad is a sequel, remake, reboot, or a standalone story, we have concluded that it can be considered a soft reboot but cannot be considered under the category of a total reboot because only four members of the last Suicide Squad have been included with thirteen new members. The director James Gunn of the upcoming The Suicide Squad has also considered it to be a standalone story or a soft reboot to the original Suicide Squad.
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